This game is good, but there are some bad things about it. First it is not that scary then you think. Second of all you can't buy ammo. Third of all it is so short there is only about 6 chapters. The thing that made me so mad, is some of the enemies shout before they attack. You can't be suprised by an enemy. By my review you think this game is bad, but it is not. You can aim with the wii remote. You can slash stuff with the wii remote. the game has alot of cool cut scenes. There are alot of weapons and you will just love shooting zombies heads off which is so fun, the heads explode. The thing that makes this game so much fun is the things you can do or get when you beat the game like Play as Ada. You can see her part of the story. I want to see the part where she was shooting saddler with the I think TMP. This game is good. I gave it a 8.
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I am a big fan of Resident Evil 4, and I was quick to buy this game when it came out today. After about 4 hours into the game and having done some homework online about it concerning it's new options, I have to say I am... Read Full Review
Pros: The same amazing boss fights, And a captivating story line. Only costs $30, and its better than most $60 games on the market. Oh, and its Resident Evil 4! Cons: Controls, although you do get used to them, can be... Read Full Review