This game may be better then previous games in the series but that doesn't mean its any good.Resident Evil 4 has some good ideas in mind but fails in any attempted to pull it off at all which makes the game. Just plain awful the game certainly isn't as clumsy as previous installments since they made the camera behind Leon the promblem is thats it thats all the did they didn't bother to work on the controls. Which makes the game seem like a prototype to future installments or maybe capcoms just lazy but they had all this time to work on it and at least they could have fix the controls up and make it least less cumbersome. but no they decided to ignore that and the camera is not without its promblem leons head obscures must of you view so it hard to really know whats ahead of you most of the time unless your aiming plus Leons hand is very shakie will aiming honestly my grandfather that survived world war 2 could aim better then him and the laser is so hard to see A %$#$^$%$ Crosshair!!! would be nice! leons turn speed is incridble slow while aiming makeing it very frustrating to draw a bead on your foes yes this is basically the difficulty of the game trying to aim plus theres no strafing no auto run, no auto aim you can't even move and shoot at the same time. the weapons are incridibly underpowered and it takes about 7 hits to kill one foe save for the shotgun, the tmp machine gun and mine launcher those or probably the only good weapons in the game and most of the other ones or basically useless. But theres hardly enough ammo for any weapon so youll basically be stuck with the crappy pistol through most of the game also what really bugs me is every weapon and recover item you come across it asks will you take that its 2005 for crist sakes!! You can't even switch weapons in real time so that means everytime you want to switch a weapon you have to go through the menu plus the game just has a ridiciouios story to boot first off get this your on a very dangerous mission to rescue the presidents daughter and yet there going to send one man to do the job why not just send the whole army. and be done with it. I don't why Leon doesn't just call for backup he has a radio. plus Leon is a toolbox with his stupid puns for god sakes make him shut the $#%&^% up!!! and is the least likeable charcter in a video game since Raiden from mgs2 every time a got killed in the game i kept thinking to myself he had that comeing to him. I think its hilirious when he gets his headsawed off by the gandor with the chainsaw. Plus Ashley is a stupid annoy little ^$$^**^^^$ and is quite a burdon at times but at least she gets kidnapped a lot so she won't be with you the whole time or hardly at all through the game and yet these humoniod enemies they have human intellgence and there desprite on killing you but yet its honestly hard to be scared off a bunch villangers. When you heavly armed with firmarms and they only have melee weapons in there hands yeah like im suppose to be horrified when im heavily armed and you only have stupid little knifes and pitchforks and basically garden tools. Although i got to admit the guy with a chainsaw is the only person in the game that frightinged me otherwise most of the game just isn't very scary this game just feels so dated. The cutscenes or not very enjoyable either since there filled with terrible dialog and evereything in the game seems like your watching a really bad action movie. It looks like instead of going forward they want backwards this game basically plays like a corrider crawl all you do is just shoot at a bunch of unexciting foes that move at the pace of zombies and move to the next room and find a key to open a locked door actually it kind of feels awkaward every challange i was faced with in the game i had to look for a key to open a door can someone say doom or duke nukem 3d all over again. Theres hardly any intense moments in the game. Honestly doom 3 is better then this game. The Graphics and sound or amazing and youd wish the took more time to polish the gameplay like they did the graphics and sound but yet maybe there make better control scheme and more intresting foes to fight in RE5. Maybe its in my opion that a have strong disregards for this game since i have been playing FPS since doom was around. but honestly i just don't see why Capcom couldn't give this game a control Scheme like say the Suffering. Put it bodly Resident Evil 4 simply isn't much different to previous installments it defintly to me still falls in Love or hate PS this part is a spoiler read at your own risk but one thing i don't get is at the end of the game when you kill saddler and ADA takes the virus sample from Leon and he doesn't even try to stop her hes like yeah shes working for a company thats trying to destroy the world yeah i will just let her go har har har. BS!! if i were him id shoot that little ****
The Resident Evil series is a profound series with a lot of great games, but none of them have had that something that makes them incredible. Resident Evil 4 has broken the path of it's predecessors and emerged as one o... Read Full Review
Originaly for the Gamecube Resident Evil 4 was seen originaly as another kind of game: Leon was on the umbrella labs and he had to destroy the new virus. But, they decided that that wasnt the kind of game they were look... Read Full Review