You will be playing the single player mode for hours non-stop and with extra mini games this is a mst for any GC owner!

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
With fresh new game play and concepts resident evil 4 brings life back in the the survival horror genre. After several unimpressive resident evils Capcom hit the ball of the park and through rival company SNK's windshield. With a rather lengthy learning curve beginning game play can be frustrating but quiting never will get you any where so stick with it and the masterpiece will unravel. With often tense and some times scary moments resident evil 4 is piece together perfectly. The storyline is very compelling. The only downside to the single player is having to babysit Ashely but there are ways around that like having her hide in garbage bin(where she belongs) or leaving her behind in other sfe spots. The other problem is the value you get for your 19.99(or 29.99 Can.) with only short and repetitive mini games you may(probably not) question the bang for your buck. If there was a co-op mercenaries or a third mini game then resident evil 4 would be undoubtedly be toooo good of a game but i don't know how you could get better then a 10, and thats what iam giving it.

So if you don't have this for Gamecube(or even PS2) you have to pick up this revolutionary game!

Note: My difficulty scoring is based on the average gamer.