Finally Capcom has fixed the biggest problem with this series and thats the control issue... Thank You Capcom!!!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
Resident Evil 4 is a long awaited game and the biggest question in my mind was, Will Capcom fix the control issue? The answer to that question is YES!!!! Finally!!!!! I do own both a Gamecube and PS2 but I waited to get the PS2 version of this game. So this review will not compare and contrast both versions. I still haven't played the Gamecube version but I am sure it is just as good by the reviews I have read for that version. Back to the controls. This Resident Evil plays more like a 1st person shooter and the screens during gameplay doesn't get no where as annoying as in previous releases in the series. The ammo is more plentiful so you don't have to conserve as much as before and they added RPG elements to the game in a merchant selling various items, weapons, and weapon upgrades. The first thing that came to my mind when playing this game is Devil May Cry. Capcom got smart and used a lot of features in that game to turn the Resident Evil series around in the right direction. Although the controls and added ammo is a plus the game still has its difficult parts. One thing I did not like about this game was the action you had to take in some cutscenes when a certain button pattern appeared on the screen. Once and a while would of been fine but it happened way too much in this game. When you thought you were going to see a cutscene a button sequence appeared and you never know when until you play through the game at least once. Some of those paticular scenes were a matter of you moving on in the game or dieing and did catch me by suprise. Also they could of gave you more room in your inventory so you could carry more guns or even better carry every gun. Other than that this game was flawless and looked fantastic. The mood just like in the ones before was set perfect with the scenary and music. Also the zombies are gone and Umbrella isn't the main culprit this time around. Good change of pace. If it wasn't for God Of War and Shadow of the Collesus this game would be game of the year in my book. Awesome game and the best in the Resident Evil series to date. Keep em coming Capcom.