The best action game on the market.
The new direction in terms of gameplay is stunning. The new perspective makes killing very intuitive, which is essestial as there is a lot of it to be done. The weapons are also excellent, in both their feel and variety. Whether you prefer calculated killing with a sniper rifle or mass carnage with a shotgun or rocket launcher, this game has it covered. The best part of all are the enemies though, they are so varied and intelligent that certain stategies have to be used for each type of enemy, as a single method will not hold up throughout the game. An amazing experience for any gamer.
Graphically, this game is incredible. This is comfortably the best looking game on the Cube, and stands alongside anything on the more powerful Xbox, and even looks better than many recent PC games. God knows how they managed this.
The sound in the game is also excellent. The music is very ambient and always fits with the surroundings, and there is also top notch voice acting in both English and Spanish.
Resi 4 has a hefty 20+ hours of gameplay on the 1st play, but can take much longer for people wanting to find every piece of treasure. After the main game has been beaten, other modes are unlocked, and the Mercenaries mode can take hours out of the player's life. A more difficult setting for the game is also unlocked, which offers a much more substantial challenge, and almost makes the chainsaw guys invincible. You will treasure shotgun ammo like never before.
Overall, this game is the best thing I have seen in the current gen. Having played the best games for all 3 systems, as well as the best on PC, I have never found a game as fun or immersive as this one. Buy it now if you haven't already. This game will rule your life.