Put quite simply, the greatest game ever released.
As a Resident Evil veteran of eight years, I can't stress enough that Capcom made the right choice. Fixed camera angles add artificial difficulty. Many claim fthe fixed camera past games amplified that "you don't know what's around the corner." Well, Resident Evil 4's new camera stresses that even more, since you only see over Leon's shoulder, and is past games many angles would actually reveal foes placed around bends. And I think I should be able to see what's in front of me, thank you.
Put simply, the massive amount of depth put into Resident Evil 4's gameplay makes it the most enjoyablen iteration of the series.Who the hell cares about that "Resident Evil" feeling? I play games to have fun, and Resident Evil 4 is all about fun moreso than any installment before it.
Don't miss it.