Take an already amazing game and make it even better...again.
However, PS2 owners were rewarded with their patience months later with a special edition made exclusively for Sony's best selling system that included a new weapon and various side missions. If that wasn't enough, the PC was also graced with a rendition of Resident Evil 4 nearly two years after the initial release, although a lack of mouse compatibility caused many to shy away from this particular rendition.. Recently, Capcom opted for yet another release of the popular survival horror title, this time on the Nintendo Wii.
Personally, when I played RE4 for the first time on the Gamecube, I was blown away by the large leaps the game had taken from its predecessors. The original random camera angles were replaced with an over the shoulder view, providing a hybrid between first and third person views. The stereotypical zombies were replaced with a faster, smarter breed courtesy of a parasite in the blood of villagers inhabiting a small European town. Perhaps the most profound difference was the fact that Resident Evil 4 offers twice as much gameplay as any of the other titles in the series to date. The standard 6-8 hours of play time was replaced with an astounding 15-18 hours. Needless to say, I was glued to my Gamecube playing the game for quite some time.
So was it time to let the title die for good, or was a release on the Wii a good call? The answer my friends, is it was an excellent call. RE4 on the Wii just feels perfect, almost as if the game was meant to be played on the system. It feels so familiar, yet so new and original, that I am addicted to it all over again.
The control scheme utilizes the nunchuck controller for movement, using the analog stick for player control, the z button to run, and the c button to whip out your trusty knife. The remote is used to aim the crosshairs, draw your weapon, fire, and access the various menus.
The main story remains untouched, and the graphics look no different than the original Gamecube version. The main difference, aside from the utilization of the Wii controls, comes in the form of new side missions featuring the lovely and enigmatic Ada Wong.
As I stated before, this game does not feel like a port in any way, and fits the Wii like a glove. Not to mention that it comes with a very affordable $29.99 price tag, no Wii owner should pass up the opportunity to check out Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition.