Resident Evil 4

User Rating: 9.7 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
This game kicks butt,I mean look at that chicago typewriter...All those bonuses....whoever says this game is crap,thier mental or have problems...this game is right for ANYONE who likes blood and gore or something.only one thing:Ashley,she's such an annpying crap,and that's what makes it fun whipping eggs at her heh heh....this is the best game that anyone will like,the funnest thing in the game is the most funnest thing is the most funnest of the most funnest thing is the gameplay!yay!ok I don't care now,bye,I SAID BYE!,buh bye!oh now it isn't letting me submi cuase of the lenght of 100 words,boo hoo!:(