Excellent game. By far the best game to come around since Paper Mario in '01. I've beaten it 6 times already

User Rating: 9.8 | BioHazard 4 GC
Excellent game. By far the best game to come around since Paper Mario in '01. I've beaten it 6 times already, and I'm still craving the game

The graphics are top notch. The enviornment may not totally be interactive, but it's gorgeous

The GCN's controller is perfect for it. The relex based objectives use the buttom scheme perfectly

The story is awesome too. Not predictable, but not too bizzare.

This game is definately wortyh whatever it's price is now ($45 at most). You'll get so much out of it, even though there's no multiplayer. This is a game to be played as a group. take turns, and find all the suprises together.

All around amazing game