Resident Evil 4 : Wii Edition has all of contents with all plaforms and heres the content that is combine to the Wii Edition, Gamecube graphics and PS2 extras. And it is only way to get the Wii Version when it comes to be the best as you are a fan of Resident Evil. Sometimes, it's better when you actually played on your Wii because it only has a circle thingy target, your Wii remote motions (Dodging, Knifing, Rotating and Freeing), and finally, the exciting PS2 extras (Which you already heard of it). Now, the aspect ratio of this is concern a widescreen mode instead of te letter box mode (From Gamecube) but it does have letter box, too because you actually select the 4:3 scan mode at the Wii Settings. Now, from Ada's story: Seperate Ways, it is actually the same thing as in PS2 but you know exactly how to play this as you doing the same thing as you playing the original mode. However, this version had Ada with knife by all of mini-games. The difference about this version is the extras because when you unlocking something (For example: a weapon after you complete hard difficulty), it gets change into the fast charge. The graphics are actually the same but it gets perfect when you see all of environments when you actually played this game on Gamecube before. Overall, Resident Evil 4 is still a masterpiece but it got some very interesting stuffs like extras and others. This version is a must-buy and its got by all of platform modes. And this one is keeping better as same as before.
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I am a big fan of Resident Evil 4, and I was quick to buy this game when it came out today. After about 4 hours into the game and having done some homework online about it concerning it's new options, I have to say I am... Read Full Review
Pros: The same amazing boss fights, And a captivating story line. Only costs $30, and its better than most $60 games on the market. Oh, and its Resident Evil 4! Cons: Controls, although you do get used to them, can be... Read Full Review