It's not just the best Resident Evil game, it's one of the best games this year!
This game is the **** ! Resident Evil 4 is not just another game in the series, it's a completely new game, and its the best of them all!
I like the new controls and camera, it's cool to see everything behind Leon's shoulder, and easier. And many say that the control is bad on the ps2, but in fact i think it's really good... Now i hav'nt played the GC version so i dont know what it's like but on the ps2, this game is one of a kind.
I think it's pretty easy for a RE game, and thats firstly a good thing, you dont get frustrated when you die the few times, even if you play on normal difficulty, but i think it was a bit too easy (I cant belive i wrote that!)
Graphics are really good and the Sound and controller/camera also.
I recommend this game for everyone who have played RE before, because this is the best one of them, and all new people should check it out too,
or you'll punch yourself later, when you see what you've missed...
Great action game, not so scary though, but now i'm not the one that gets too scared when i see scary movies or play scary games :p
Only thing is that i wanted it to be longer, but maybe im asking too much...
Buy it, you wont regret it!