Awsome Game
User Rating: 9.5 | BioHazard 4: Wii Edition WII
This is an awsome game i first beat it when it came out on gamecube then when i saw the integrated wii controls and read some reviews i knew it was a must have for me. I love the game only draw back is you cant move while your aiming which can get frustrating but this game was only 29.99 when i picked it up and i had a 20$ off ceupon so it was only about 11 bucks for me and well worth it i must say. I didnt want to spend the whole 30 bucks since i basically knew what happened in the game and the ending but this game does have some added content not found in the gamecube version. I must say the controls are pretty flawless and the camera is magical. This is definetly a game for the collection for those of you lucky enough to have gotten your hands on a wii!