This is definitely the version of Resident Evil 4 to own even if you have played the game on a different console.
You play as Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 2), a government agent who is sent to a Spanish village to locate the President of the United States' daughter Ashley. You enter a house with a man picking at the fireplace and then suddenly attacks you with an axe. You car, along with the two guards, is destroyed and push over a cliff. You find out that these people are not ordinary and quite vicious. They come in many waves. Some have no weapons, some have pitch forks, others have axes and they will swing at you or attempt to hit you by throwing them at you. And the epic battle at the beginning of the game in the village . . . . wow. No wonder this game is so addicting. Your only connection with the outside world is an agent named Ingrid Hunnigan who tries to direct you through the village and it's terrible hallways. The game also have cutscenes where the player must perform certain buttons in order to dodge and attack, dodge an uncoming boulder or run like hell. Since it is with the Wii remote, in these sequences you will wave your controller from left to right to run quickly and press A+B to dodge. This picks up the intensity of the game and does not allow you to drop the controller.
The game is also sometimes scary. Especially in the night time and the final part of the game. In the night, the villagers won't scream to signal that you are in their sight, they will sneak up behind you and attack. But that is very minor to what happens at the final part of the game.
Now this is the Wii Edition and there must be some reason why to get this version of the game and not the others. Well first of all the controls will be reasonable enough to get this game. You use the Wii remote to aim you weapon and knife while the Nunchuck controls your movements. In the previous games you would have to press a certain button to reload your weapon. The remote allows you to do this but there is another way. When aiming you wave the remote and Leon will reload. Also if you are in a sticky situation, you can wave the remote and Leon will do a quick knife slash. Not as power as holding a button down and knifing that way but a nice way to get the villagers a couple inches farther away. What else? Well in my opinion the Wii remote feels so much better than the gamecube controller and the ps2 controller. You can now aim far away hit your target. In the previous versions you had to use a laser to aim you gun and attack. Usually attacking from afar and hitting the target was almost impossible. With the Wii Edition, it comes with a little target that turns a different color to show that you are able to shoot the enemy and you will hit the target. One problem I have with the remote that when I'm doing a quick knife strike the remote doesn't pick it up sometimes. But almost non-existent.
And yes Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition comes with Separate Ways so you can play as Ada. But there is no NEW content that comes with it. . . . damn.
OVERALL: Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition is the BEST edition you can get. The controls are nearly perfect, the fantastic story is there, great graphics are still present and enough village fights to make this game one of the most best games out there. If you have never gotten this game before, it is time to buy it and for a great price of $20 at Best Buy and less at Amazon. What more can you want from one of my favorite games of all time? I still have it on Gamecube and after having the infinite guns, I wasn't getting much of a challenge and the fun was starting to decrease but now the Wii Edition is just as fun and intense as the original version of this masterpiece. My highest recommendation to the Wii Edition of Resident Evil 4.