What can i say that hasnt been said before what a game ladies and gentalmen im glad they the got it right with the movement dont get me wrong hear i love the rest of the seris but this was just right
(im sure you all know what i mean).
But i did miss the fleash eating zombies in this one
nothing beats them in the seris.
But going with possesed humens is still very cool.
The best part about this game had to be the gun upgrades come on that is just to cool for words i can not express that enough 3 types of shots now thats a idea 100 ways to kill
a zombie.
Thought the yellow herbs wore a nice touch it was good to always see how much health you had instead of press start all the time
same with the ammo.
Lots of cool new features but one thing that let it down for me
was ashley she was just a pain in the butt she couldnt do anything
for herself and she just got in the way most of times.
I liked the laser comming ofF your gun so wear u hit iT mattered.
For the storyline a master piece i liked it how the storys all
come together with ada. With her back in the picture the game as so much more going for it.
Umbrella will neva die while thereS still breath in albert wesker (cant wait to get my hands on him he will die a horrible death)
They still had a classic touch to it like the matilda and the typewritter
for cool unlocks.
Best mercaneris mode ever hunk is back and cooler the ever i thought.
I will also like to say join the resident evil serious union for the 100 ways to kill a zombie topic..
Sry to advertise but if your a res fan join