Definetly:Best game ever made

User Rating: 9.8 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
When I first saw the E3 video of RE4, I didn't like it. I am a big RE fan, and i thought that was too different. First of all. It has no zombies. It's "Ganados". The camera it's absolutely different. But, when i started playing, i could'nt stop doing it.
The story is Brilliant, you have to rescue the president's dauther(Nothing Original) But then, you reach a "Pueblo", And everybody start to pursuit you, with all type of weapons. Everybody's very violent, there, because of "Las Plagas".
The voices are great too. I'm from Argentina and I speak spanish, so. i understand all the things that ganados said. When you hear "Detras de ti, imbecil" you panic and you look behind, but that is a big mistake.
Graphics are great, but there are games with better graphics(Shadow of The colossus, for example)
But the best of all, it's the gameplay. First, the laser, that is brillliant!!! You can choose in wich part of the body you wanna shoot, if you shoot at the legs, you can kick them, there are a lots of great movements(Jumping out the window is another) You can buy things, you can customize weapons, etc.
In my opinion, Capcom's Resident Evil 4 it's best game ever made for any console.