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User Rating: 9.4 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
right were do i start with this game...ah the graphics for a start when you first see the new leon and the graphical change hes been through. Also his enviorment around him the trees the road the enemys the gaphics kick ass you get thew point. AI is somthing to be scared of enemys are smart and think as a team to take you downfor example you've hidden in a house and barricaded the doors they throw a ladder up and try to get through the windows. The game is also fairly long term as there are several mini games to keep you coming back for more. The storyline is very interesting and wont let you put the game down until your done, you also begin to feel for the charecters. when somthing happens to them, a certain bit in the game brought a tear to my eye......only jokin but for all you sencitive players you may end up crying at some bits.
The main differnce from the gamecube version is the new weapon a laser gun although in my opinion it sucked all you hardcore gamers may feel the need to play through proffesional mode and win it. The sounds were epic and grand you really can somtimes feel a pitchfork being driven into your torso and the shriek ashley makes when she is being taken from under your nose.
The main thing i liked about this game was the sequences of buttons you had to push in certain scenes to save your life. My personal favorite of these scenes is when you are in a laser hall this reminded me of the first resident evil film, belive it or not in a good way. overall this game rules if you have a ps2 or gamecube go out and buy this game.......dont just sit there go on......go buy it.