An outstanding challenge in pro, and good story theme
User Rating: 9.2 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
I found the normal mode somewhat a enjoyable challenge however pro can be a huge challenge at the krauser fight on, (actually I have yet to beat krauser on pro) the few easter eggs I found were great and the graphic content very cool from a middle aged gamers perspective I give it good reviews. although I wish the vest were avail. in pro. the reloading realistic and weapons selection good, although an higher caliber assault rifle would have been a nice addition.
Hats off to the development team. all in all a great game.
the spooky music was a dead givaway for the bad guys on the way and I thought the geographical location was way cool (inland spain I am guessing)
although the points I would change, of course the assault rifle of a larger caliber(ak-47) vest avail. at all levels, and perhaps a little faster response in leons controls of movements