
User Rating: 9.6 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
to say i didnt like this game when i first rented it out would be an understatement. reading high gamespot reviews saying this game was the best thing since sliced bread, i anticipated a great game. it was my first experience with the resident evil series, so wasnt really too sure what to expect. but when i started playig i didnt have any clue what these people were ta;lking about, i thought it was horrible! the camera angle was terrible, and the controls seemed REALLY aqward. i turned of my playstation in frustration that i had wasted my money on such a rubbish game.

i decided i' d give it another go the next day, and after getting used to the camera and controls, i realised this was, infact, a great game. amazing graphics, and cool guns (fun but tricky aiming system) along with spooky settings and enemies, added together to make it an exceptional gaming experience. for the first time i had ever played a "scary" game it was cool. lots of jumps when an enemy (whoms head i had just shot off) jumped out from behind and started strangling me! the hymns that those dudes in the black robes sing was pretty f'd up too!
unfortunately the massive story line (good) prevented me from clocking the game before i had to take it back.