One of the best games ever. (Spoiler Free Review)
Gameplay- As we all know the game has a revolutionary camera. The camera angles are now sort of a "Behind the shoulder" look. This elimenates the past control problems of the RE games. There is also a much improved combat system. With context based attacks and different effects depending on where you shot someone, such as shooting to the knees will make an enemy drop to the ground. The only thing I didn't like was that you cant move while shooting, but that is a VERY minor thing.
Graphics- These are truly the best graphics you will ever find on the PS2 and GC. From the grainy fog to the grusomely detailed bosses you will find a magnitude of eyecandy.
Sound- All the guns sound really realistic, and the game backround produced brilliant sounds of windows crashing, barrels breaking, and Chainsaws being ripped through leons body. The only problem is that the quality of the voices outside of cutscenes is very grainy sounding, like a cheap walk-e-talk-e.
Value- The game has massive replay value with a multitude of unlockable weapons and bonus modes. You can beat the game 50 times and not get bored. Need I say more?
Tilt- Buy it, NOW. If you dont you have no life. Best game ever.