Anyone with a sense of fun should already have this in their collection.

User Rating: 9.6 | BioHazard 4 GC
I'll admit it. I was reletively late in jumping on the Resident Evil 4 bandwagon, but it seems now that every day without that game was a day without life.
Just kidding.
But all exaggeration aside, this game definately is excellent. Any fan of action, adventure, shooting, and/or soiling themselves should go out and buy this game.

The graphics this game produces are some of the best I've ever seen. It amazes me that a little purple lunchbox can have that much power. The settings and people look real in many cases, adding very much to the overall "scare factor."

Sound effects are very well done. Every weapon sounds like it would in reality. And the laughable dialog the series, it's still there sometimes. But in fewer places and it's more subtle...but don't worry about it detracting from the cinamatic production. It won't.
The music is the regular horror mix. Nothing to interesting. And you can always use the music to determine when a bad guy is around the corner, which may or may not be a good thing...

The game plays the a whole new series. As I'm sure you've heard from everywhere else, the camera is a behind-the-shoulder view, the game is more action based, and the game engine itself has been virtually built from scratch. All of this works perfectly. The game is one of the best I have EVER played. But I have a few problems...

I myself am NOT a horror fan. I don't enjoy having to take breaks ever 10 minutes to sit in the corner and cry (just kidding, it's not THAT scary.) But even if you are easily scared, don't let it scare you from getting the game! This isn't really a problem with the game, just a problem with my tastes...

The other problem is this. The game does a great job of keeping things interesting. You make three major setting changes throughout the game. You go from a village, to a castle, and finally to an island. The only problem is that the castle area drags on FAR to long, making it boring and almost a chore to get through it!

Also, the game can be pretty difficult in some places, and getting the pants scared off you in a frustrating area certainly doesn't help...

The replay value is great. The game provides man unlockables to play around with apon completion.

Overall, RE4 is a great game with issues that are very minor compared to all its successes. I recommend it to everyone mature enough to handle it ...