This game is ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooo freaking awsome totally worth the wait don't pass this up you'll be very sorry. RE has made what you would call " the comeback game" This is the game of the year.It does have to deal with games like god of war,half life 2,W.O.W,etc.But see that's no problem for RE 4. It has basicly the perfect game for anybody.This game has solid gameplay ,a great story line and all around stunning graphics. The PS2 version is just as good as the nintendo gamecube .And with the edition of that parisite remover gun in the PS2 version it will be just wonderful.
The Resident Evil series is a profound series with a lot of great games, but none of them have had that something that makes them incredible. Resident Evil 4 has broken the path of it's predecessors and emerged as one o... Read Full Review
Originaly for the Gamecube Resident Evil 4 was seen originaly as another kind of game: Leon was on the umbrella labs and he had to destroy the new virus. But, they decided that that wasnt the kind of game they were look... Read Full Review