This is the most polished, fun, and beautiful game I have ever seen in my life, making it the best game ever made.

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
Games like Resident Evil 4 do not come around very often. Games like this are a pleasure to the senses and astound you in every way imaginable. To this date, no game has ever done that to me as well as RE 4. I declare it the best video game ever made. Not the best gamecube game (which it is), and not the best survival-horror game (which it is). No video game will come close to this calibur of sheer awesomeness for a very, very long time. First, the gameplay. Absolutely perfect. No flaws, no annoyances, it is just perfect in every way. There is no reasonable way that the gameplay could be improved upon, so the 9.6 that it got from Gamespot is really a mystery, since that is, word for word, the exact criteria of a 10 game. These graphics are next gen. I don't care what resolution they are at, they look better than some games out on the XBOX 360. Stunning detail, gorgeous character models, the absense of any type of bug, and the never-wavering smooth as silk framerate. The game is very long, about 25-30 hours, and then there are minigames which just involve shooting more zombies, but are fun nonetheless. And there is reason to play through 2 to three more times to get that infinite rocket launcher. Yep, this game could last you awhile. The sound is amazing. The effects and the voice acting give you an audio experience almost as awesome as the visual. Overall, this game is a reason to buy a Gamecube. And if you have a gamecube and don't own it, get it before I go to your house and slap you in the face.