Few games can be suspensful, horrifying, fun to play, and make one feel like their in a movie, but Resident Evil 4 is.
Gameplay: Definetely a revolutionary turn in the survival horror series. The controls are reminiscient of resident evil, yet allow one to aim anywhere in their surrounding proximity. The controls are basically the same as all resident evil games except that since your in a 3-d enviroment where you control the camera everything is that much better. The enemies are cool, scary, and sneak up on you. Most of all the gameplay is made suspenseful by the cinematics wherein Leon finds himself in danger and when buttons flash on the screen, you better start mashing those buttons on the controller or Leon will meet his end fairly quickly. In fact there is even an entire boss fight that takes place inside a cinematic where you must continue dodging attacks. This gameplay is revolutionary and it retains the core elements of all resident evil games (minus the annoying camera angles). The story is very good. It has deep plots and if you pay attention you may even see a few of the twists coming.
Graphics....Another great accomplishment. A few glitches (I found maybe 3 or 4 in the whole game), but definetely the best looking game on the cube I've ever seen. The enemies look so cool in this game! The good guys look so cool in this game! The blood splatters and critical headshots look so cool in this game! Water is also incredibly well done and will reflect Leon's image and stir when you fire into it. A beautiful looking game.
Sound. I'm not a sound professional, but I think it was great. Dolby Pro Logic set up the sound so I assume it does support surround. If your a fan of resident evil then you know how great the squishing and shooting noises are. They remain the same and I never heard a sound that I thought was at all out of place.
This game has great replayability. It has an unlockable difficulty (Professional), a mini game (Mercenaries), and a bunch of sidequests (Assignment Ada). It only cost me thity bucks and I am more than satisfied. I would have bought it and still thought it was a great deal for fifty.
I am a big resident evil fan so this review is probably a bit biased, but nontheless I think that if you give Resident Evil 4 a chance it will become one of your favorites very quickly.