I can't get over how impresive this game is.

User Rating: 9.3 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
"Resident Evil" 4 is the latest of the long running "Resident Evil" series. By far this game is the most technologically advanced. The story follows "Resident Evil 2".
Resident Evil 2 is about a place called Racoon City that has been evaded by plague infested humans. (The plague was made from a stock market called umbrella)

The main character of the two games "Leon Scott Kennedy" is a goverment agent, who's job is protect the presidents daughter "Ashley Graham". The search for Ashley leads him to a very small town in Spain what he finds there is very similer to what happened in Racoon City (Resident Evil 2)

At the first of the game you encounter some crazy guy that tried to chop your head of with an axe, so you are forced into killing him. After that you jump outside to see that there are more village people trying to kill you. The story did not explain much about what they are, so at the first you are gonna be wondering what the hell is going on. But after about an hour of game play pieces of what is going on is revealed.

The controls for "Resident Evil 4" can are anoying for about 30 minutes. The reason why they are anoying is because you can't run when you shoot or aim. So you are forced to stop aiming and get to a safe place to shoot. This can be annoying at the first, because you are put in a rather large fight aganst the villagers.

The graphics for "Resident Evil 4" are wicked. There is so much little detail that you will have to look for when playing this game, or you might miss it. The sound of this game is also impressive. The sound of the first gun you receive is soo crisp.It was remarkable how well they made the guns sound. Al tho the villagers only say about 4 things, its not something that anoys me because there is so much action going on it is not very annoying.

"Resident Evil 4" gives a new definition to the "Resident Evil" series.

If you are in for a challenge and don't mind a hole lot of gore, then you should pick up "Resident Evil 4"
