An awesome enough game to buy a GC.

User Rating: 9.6 | BioHazard 4 GC
RE 4 is such a great game that you will want to go out and purchase a GC just to get this game (now it's out on PS2, so if you have that system, just buy it for PS2) The graphics are unprecedented in the current-gen consoles. From the blood-splattered goriness of your enemies, the fire of a lantern you shot from the ceiling, the environment around you, and the detail of every hair on Leon and Ashley's head, you'll marvel at the graphical accomplishments made here.
Gameplay is amazing. The controls fit the GC controller like a glove, and you'll have little trouble getting used to them. Gunplay is nearly flawless, and the little extras Capcom adds in along the way boosted my gameplay score to a 10. The boss fights are unique and intense, but tend to rely on "weak points" too much. Despite that, you'll feel constantly enthralled with playing this game.
Sound contributes to the atmosphere of this game tremendously. The music gets very doomy when an enemy is near, and your heart will start pumping. The sound of enemies speaking in Spanish and chainsaws whirring in the background will make your heart pump faster. The sounds can freak you out, which is a good thing.
The value of this game is, as Game Informer would say, "moderately high." You'll want to play through a couple more times after the initial playthrough, so you can save up enough pesetas for a Chicago Typewriter, and kill everything in sight! You also unlock a few other secret weapons and some new costumes for Leon and Ashley. Though the first playthrough takes 15-20 hours, you'll get around 40 to 50 hours of gameplay, overall.
Overall, this game is a must have, and an "instant classic". Besides what I already mentioned, this game also has a perfect difficulty (challenging, but not difficult) and almost no load times, making it nearly flawless. I'm telling you, if you have a GC (or PS2), and are old enough to play mature games,
purchase this immediately. It's chicken soup for the gamer soul.