*sniffs* ... Aw I just crapped my pants again!
Graphics are last gen unfortunately but they are good enough to convey a sense of oh snap when you face a giant zombie like creature. The music is atmospheric most of the time but when you are in a boss battle it will change to a more action-like type of music. The monsters growls are great and the sound of you blowing their face off with a shotgun is even better.
There is a variety of weapons which you can occassionally pick up, but mostly you will buy it all from an annoying dude who somehow never gets mauled by 'rabid' dogs or chainsawed in half by angry villagers, even though he is in practically every level.
The inventory system is good and you can pretty much access everything quickly. You can even pick up drugs from the villagers and store them in there along with your guns and grenades, so that you can take it back to America. You can heal up with 'green herb'... I think this one slipped past the ERSB.
Unfortunately the developers decided that, to make the game 'challenging' they would make it hard to find ammo. You can't even buy it from the creepy arms dealer that holds a rocket launcher, a pistol a revolver a shotgun, a sniper rifle and much more under his damn jacket. This DOES NOT make the game more tense and spooky - just really annoying. The game lasts quite a while. You'll probably finish it in about 10 hours if you really rush through it, but it's very possible to go even longer on the harder difficulty - you'll probably want to beat those memorable bosses again! There is bonus content too which is pretty cool.
The Wii version of Resident Evil 4 is the only version I've played, but a bit of research shows that this version has everything from both the PS2 and GC versions. So this is the best version - the controls are superior and you'll quickly get the hang of it.