Game pad NEEDED!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | Resident Evil 4 (2005) PC
I was a little hesitant about picking this up b/c of all the bad user reviews I had read about how bad of a port this is, or how horrible the default control scheme is (no mouse support, keyboard or game-pad only) etc etc. But in the end, I did pick it up, and I am glad that I did.

First off, they could have done a MUCH better job porting it over to the PC. Basically all they did, graphics wise, was stretch things out to support higher resolutions. Initally, in the Euro and Asian PC versions, they had even disabled lighting and shader effects so they game looked even worse but they patched this stuff in later and included it in the US package so it looks somewhat decent. Yeah, the edges are jagged and you can tell the game wasn't intended for higher resolutions, but I've seen much worse.

The only other complaint to be leveled is the lack of mouse support. The reason I think they didn't include mouse support was b/c it would levy an unfair advantage and the game would be too easy using a mouse to aim. At least, I hope that's why they didn't include mouse support but I think the FAR more likely reason is that they were just lazy. When I first brought this game home I was aware that there was no mouse support, which ticked me off a bit, but I still gave the default keyboard control scheme a shot.....and it was AWFUL. I was forced to go out and buy a game-pad. And I am very glad I did. Now, I am a PC gamer through and through, and I didn't even own a game-pad, but this game is soooo good that it warranted buying one. The experience was 100x better w/ a pad.

So, in conclusion.....

While the port job seems to have been half-assed, the game itself is great, and shouldn't be missed AS LONG AS YOU HAVE A GAME-PAD. Really, don't deprive yourself of the truly excellent gameplay in this game b/c you're too stubborn to use a game-pad on a PC.

Resident Evil 4 deserved all the praise it got. One of the best games ever