I have never played through a game so many times, it is perfect in every way.

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
After playing Resident Evil 4 nine times(6 on GC and 3 on Wii) now i think it is finally time to write a review. RE 4 uses a mixture of the best graphics of its time, tight fun gameplay, fun and interesting environments, and a great story line to keep you hooked for the entire duration. The game uses great pacing which creates great tension in the calm moments and some awesome sequences when things start to get crazy. The game features some fun boss fights and some truly menacing enemies to keep you on edge. Every fight has its tension increased because you are never to full on bullets and you always need to conserve as much as possible. The settings are some of the most frightening in any game to date featuring a run down village, castle, and island fortress. You play as Leon Kennedy who returns to the franchise in a plot that takes place years after Raccoon City and is greatly narrated and well written. The game gets rid of the Zombie norm and introduces the Las Plagues who are far more intelligent and powerful. The game has a great amount of replay value do to the large range of weapons with upgradeable parts and the addicting gameplay.

In all Resident Evil 4 is a perfect game that was extremely fun to play and with a great amount of replay value. If you haven't played this game yet i would strongly recommend playing it through at least one play through and i assure you, you wont be upset.