Let me tell you this, you will not be dissapointed with this game.

User Rating: 9.2 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
Resident Evil 4 is a very good game, with excellent graphics, awesome gameplay, and great sound. The first part of the game is where you're in a village, it's pretty easy there (on normal mode) and the story builds up from there. You will encounter enimies that hold torches, dynamite, hatchets/axes, chainsaws and many other items that will harm you. Just to warn you, you cannot sit back and watch the cutscenes, because you will have to press buttons almost all the time, so keep on guard during them. You are Leon in this game, and he is now an agent for the president. Hopefully it won't be the last of him.

You get a wide variety of weapons, and you will always be carrying a knife for close combat, I like that because you get to pick how you want to shred your enemies. There are also other actions, like kicking enemies, and jumping out windows. Occasionally you come accross someone who sells you weapons, and tune-ups for your weapons, he is the merchant. You can sell him valuables for money, you will come across a lot of things to sell him. You can also combine your values for more cash. While you are in the village, you can shoot through wooden doors, to kill enemies on the other side, but eventually the door will collapse from all the holes you put into it. Barricading at the beggining will trigger a different cut-scene, but be prepared to fight.

In the game you will find other people that are normal humans, and they will help you. The music in this game gets you kind of curious about what's going to cross your path, meaning that it's really meant for a game like this. There are also side-games, like shooting ranges and doing tasks for weapons, in which one was where you shoot blue things down for a weapon. For most of the game, you will be guarding Ashley, but she gets herself back into jeopardy. There is a majority of different enemies in this game, ranging from dogs, to trolls. There is also mutations on some enemies, meaning that when you blow their head off, a beast will replace the head, and try to kill you. It can be stopped by severing them. You get to drive a boat, and there are a lot of bosses to fight, and one of them is in the lake, tear him up with the spears!

The second part is in the Castle, you will come across different looking enemies, and they carry different weapons, and also have a different mutagion, careful, they can bite your head off! There is some puzzle solving in the castle part, which can take off a little of your time. This is a warning, do not waste ammunation, you will need it. There are a few bosses in the Castle area of the game, some of them are hard. The only thing I really hate about the blood is that there's not really a lot of it, and it dosen't go over the walls or anything, and that "shoot them in the head" policy dosen't really take effect in this game, for some guns anyways, I hope that will change in Resident Evil 5. Anyways, Ashley gets in jeopardy, so now you go onto the island.

This is the third part of the game, and it gets a little tougher at this part. You find very tough enemies that are hard to kill. Like the enemy where you have to use a thermal scope with your sniper rifle to kill it. You will find yourself battling two trolls in this part of the game, you get a lot of money for killing them both, but it's challenging. There isn't that much puzzle solving for the island part, but there are a lot of enemies to kill. The last boss isn't very hard, but he might take a few tries. There are a lot of parts to this game, you will even go through a mining area.

There are extras in this game as well, not just the story mode. There's Ada's seperate ways, Mercenaries, and a lot of other cool things to check out. Overall Resident Evil 4 is a very good release for PS2 and should not be missed by anyone, unless you don't like games like this. There's other game modes, very good gameplay and graphics, and the controls are easy to get used to, so don't miss out on this game, it's very fun, and you will play it for a long time.