This review shows just how big of a fan of Resident Evil4 I am! Read this review to see just how incredible RE4 is!!!!!!
Resident Evil 4 is considered, by those who have played it, to be one of the best titles for Gamecube even though it’s been almost a year and a half since it came out. This is because it perfectly blends action with the not-so-great survival horror genre. What I mean by not so great is that this is one of the first games in the genre to be so incredible. It is truly amazing. Now enough of my blabbering onto the review...
Graphics 10
Even if you have just seen the game cover you can tell that that RE4 has incredible graphics. It shows just how powerful Nintendo’s Gamecube really is. From character models to giant monster creature things to the environments RE4 stands out for it’s incredible graphics. Each enemy has amazing detail put in to them. So when that Plagas sprouts out of that El Gigante’s back your jaw will drop. It has great detail put into everything in the game. I’ll say it again absolutely incredible.
Sound 10
As with the graphics the music is superb. Not just the music, but the voice-overs too. The writing isn’t too bad either. The music adds to the chaos and terror of the game when your walking through a hallway where there are giant invisible insects all around you you’ll know because the music becomes quite eerie. What I really like about the sound is the voice-overs for the Ganados and other enemies there are so many “sayings” that it seems as if they are real and it adds to the creepiness too. Anyway like I said before the sound is awesome.
Gameplay 10
This I think is the most important aspect of a game. So what if it has awesome graphics and great sound! If it doesn’t have good gameplay then it’s just not worth it. Fortunately, RE4 delivers! The gameplay just like the sound and graphics is superb. The aiming is easy just hold down and aim. It’s easy because Leon has a laser pointer on each so you can shoot any part of an enemy body and it will have different effects. The over the shoulder aiming is just the way I like it! It’s just so fun to shoot someone in the leg then run up to them and perform a supplex. Buying and upgrading weapons is a breeze. The parts where you have to escort Ashley are actually fun. The boss battles are absolutely incredible I mean have you ever had to fight a giant Plagas fish in a lake before I don’t think so! Or how about a mutated thing with a, uh.... hell I don’t even know how to describe it. I can’t tell enough great things about his game I mean there’s gattling gunners, weird monsters that can regenerate their bodies, knife fight cut scenes, bondage wolverines( Garradors), exploding heads, giant statues that you have to outrun, minecart rides, chainsaw maniacs, giant fire breathing dragon statues, and even the typical alien vs. Predator-like monster.
Overall 10
This game gets a perfect score because it is absolutely incredible. All I can say now if you haven’t bought it yet is what are you waiting for go out and buy it right now!!!