Resident Evil 4: The fresh breath of air the series needed!

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
The Resident Evil series, as most games do, have been stuck in the same repetitive cycle. Rehashing the same mechanics and adding little change from the previous entries. True that some have been interesting but flawed entries like the Outbreak series or Dead Aim. For a moment it seemed the series would end up with the same fate as Dino Crisis...but then Resident Evil 4 was announced.

The one word I can think for this game is: AMAZING. This game has such high production values. The graphics are breathtaking and it makes you wonder why we need Next-Gen. The story, although somewhat cheesy at times, it keeps you interested through the story. The whole take of not fighting zombies was a great addition. The Ganados truly bring something new to the table. The controls are tight and feel perfect. The variation in combat is great. There's different ways you can dispose of enemies and that makes the game never feel boring. The music truly grabs you and keeps you in alert.

Every Gamecube owner should do themselves a favor and pick this game up! They won't regret it.