One of the best Games wii has to offer, althou it did have to wait about 2 years

User Rating: 9 | BioHazard 4: Wii Edition WII
I personally love this game. I think the wii works very well with it and who doesn't love killing zombies. Althou in this game thier is no zombies, more like infected russians. The game starts you in a village and from there you have to find ashley and rescue her, then pretty much escape from the islane. The game play ranges from very easy to somewhat hard. They have a great arsnel of weapons and great array of bosses. The only real bad part of this game is, from the viewpoint of people who owned it on gamecube or played it on ps2, it can seem pretty old and there is nothing that you get from just the wii. Althou it is called, resident evil 4, Wii addition, might as well of been called, Resident Evil 4- Transfered from the Gamecube Edition. All in all, this has been one of my favorite games the wii have brought out onto the market and I look forward to more games like this in the future