was really unsure to start with but now i cant put it down!

User Rating: 10 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
ive never really been the resident evil fan of the games ok for a bit of intertanment but i got this game and at the start i was like ok its the same shot this shot that, but later on it has a really indeth story to it that left me hanging out for more!! im playing on normal mode and i still havent finshed it after 1 week so its worth the money as it will last ages. the sound is creepy and adds to the atmosfae, grahics are GREAT really up to date. the cmarea angle was anoying for the first 30mins but now its no problem for me. though die hard zombie fans will be a little disapointed as the enimes are really just being mind controlled but much later in the game you have to fight these mutant things that pop out of heads and stuff. one thing also was about the chainshaw villgers they only die after like 2 flame bomes, 30 shot gun bullets and thats only if you get them in the head i found this just soooooo unbeleivable they are still half human in a way. their are many guns you can buy along the way that keep this interesting which was a plus. if you like actions or resident evil play this. also for an extra ++ when you finsh the game you can play as the girl and its like another game alltogether and its not a shot time filler ether and many other games that i havnt tryed yet so with this you can play over and over but still not get brain rot.