it may be old but it can contend with any next gen survival horror
Graphics: amazing for its time, and still can claim the crown of the best survivle horror graphics in my opinion. The blood in this game is a bad in
comparason to the rest of the game, but this is quite esily forgotten once you get into the game properly.
Life Span: gods were should i begin? this game has so many replay factors I'd be here for a good two hours describing them all so to keep this snappy I'll limit my self to my favirot three, here they are:
1) the shere ammount of fun the game is: yeh thats rite i think this game is so fun i have completed it 9 or 10 times and am half way through the 11th time now.
2) the need to get the ghost gun: the ghost gun s a gun that can kill alomost anything in one shot, this gun is very elusive and i havnt managed to find it yet but its one of the main reasons i want to continue playing this fine game.
3) the amout of veriaty you get from this game: this game has so much veriaty that you couold compleet it three times and do thing completly differant. you could use differnt guns, keep cetan treasurs and unlock the extras at the end.
so yeh with this many replay factors it is well worth getting.
story: this game has a great Story and it is so imersive. when you get this game you will be completly decistated that it ends because you have to wait for number 5 to come out (witch i cant wait for) but yeh this is one of the most solid story lins the series has had so far.
Best bit: i honestly cant narrow it down but i supose icould say the village house when you have to defend Ashly from litraly thousands of las grandoes with luis.
well there you go. this broadcast was bought to you by Tyke and his Computer