Is it possible to create more pain on your wallet?
I should not have bothered.
This is such a difficult game to play on the PC, that it is just plain embarresing. Let me say that I have got the graphics and framerates right up to excellent standards and the flow is no problem. The problem is the controls. There is just no point at all to try and play this on the keyboard because it is almost impossible. After all, it is a Gamecube game so this should not pose any surprises. A game controller is a MUST.
I haven't had the pleasure to play this on a gamecube but from the shot's I've seen, it does look like a gem.
I will end off by saying that I will give this game a couple more hours and if I don't see any rain or lightning effects soon like there supposedly is on the gamecube, then I will return it to the shop and ask for my $50 back. If they won't give me back my money, then I will destroy the shop. Then I will write a letter to the CEO of Capcom and tell him to perform the worst things in the world to his mother.