This is the Playstation 2 version, upscaled, with leaderboards & achievements. Nothing more, nothing less.
Let's get down to what little there is to be found here that we haven't seen before. Well, first off, the game is up-scaled in High Definition. This doesn't mean that the game will be in High Resolution, but that would have been nice, right? There's also, from the main menu, a Leaderboards option. This serves as a companion to the Mercenaries bonus mode. At last, there are achievements to be found.
What is disappointing about this latest port is that it is simply an upscaled port of the Playstation 2, uh, port. The lighting and particle effects are not as crisp and noticeable as with the Gamecube & Wii editions, and the PC version if you modify it. Same with the textures, which are compressed even considering the power that the PS3 & Xbox 360 are capable of (in comparison with the Wii, no less). Also, the cutscenes, while they look good, are not rendered in real-time; so don't expect to be as immersed as you were with the Gamecube original.
However, since this is a port of the PS2 version, there come bonuses here. You will get to play Ada's cross-campaign, and you will be able to attain the parasite laser, as well as the two bonus outfits (one of them, if you are not privy, is capable of protecting Ashley from virtually all damage). But what can you expect for twenty dollars? At that rate, they're not going to go crazy with new ideas to revitalize the title even more, 6 years after its initial release. They're simply capitalizing on the 15th anniversary of the series, but hey, if you never got to play the game, then you have nothing to lose. At least with this HD port, you can potentially have all of the main canon Resident Evil titles on one system!