there are so many things to say abut this game that i do not know where to start from. first of all the masive change thats been made in this game. i have always been a mssive resident evil fan. but this game has taken the serious in to something that we rasie fans could only dream of . you will play with a chracter called leon s. kennedy . if you have played resident evil 2 on the ps2 thean you might be fimailer with this chrachter and his mission is to save the president daughter . Resident evil games has always been slow with lots of annoying puzzles but this game has turned the game other way around with lots of fast action and less puzzles to worry about. One of my favourite changes is the all new aiming system wtch allows the players more accurecy and more esier to target your enemies the graphics has inproved alot since other resi games in fact resi games where always on the top of my list for graphics. The cutcence on resi games had always captured peaples attention but to make things more insresting the creaters have added a little of a botton pressing durring the cutcence to see if your following the story press the wrong botton at the wrong time and youll see a big gameover massage across your screen resident evil has done it again with this fantastic game there is no arguments that this is going to be the best game of the year muuuuuuuuuuuuuust buy rigth ****
The Resident Evil franchise has always been hailed and criticized by fans and critics alike. Ever since their debut on the Playstation almost 10 years ago, the Resident Evil games have always sported amazing visuals and ... Read Full Review
I'll admit, it's difficult supporting Nintendo. The lack of games is certainly the main issues, which explains why Nintendo is #3 behind XBOX and Playstation 2. It's reason enough to hold onto the little Cube a little lo... Read Full Review