That puts a whole new twist to survival horror games
The feature that I enjoyed the most however, was the fact that your enemies aren't some dead flesh eating zombies like all the previous Resident Evil games. But rather brainwashed townsfolk from a small secluded town in the middle of nowhere. Add in some smart AI enemies that try and evade and block your shots, and your already on the verge of creating a good game.
The graphics for this game are also amazing, the attention to detail is superb. The sound is also very realistic, not always dead quite between enemies when that freaky music comes on, but you can get in the odd occasional crow sitting on a post squawking or the dog barking at you.
I also found that the cut scenes where much more enjoyable then most games, for the main reason that in some they require you to do special actions. Keeping you on edge of your seat and ready for what'll happen next.
But every game has its flaw, the default camera angle did add some enjoyment to the game, and added that extra fear factor in for not being able to look around corners all that well and whatnot. But at times I found that the camera started to drift above me, not letting me see anything other then a few feet in front of me. Which was aggravating when you hear villagers coming but you can't see where they are and in turn, where your shooting.
The other flaw I found in the game was the fact that you could'nt strafe around corners, again however that added some enjoyment and brought up that fear factor of something waiting on the other side. Though in most cases I found that strafe wasn't really necessary being as not to many enemies were standing to the left side of the door waiting for you to step in and so on.
The last flaw, which after an hour or so of gameplay I didn't mind and even started to like to an extent was when your about to shoot your weapon. I found it a pain at first to have to stand in one spot and go into a second person camera angle and shoot, and that I couldn't shoot at point blank when and enemy was right in front of me about to attack. Or when your fighting a boss and he's running right at you while you just stand there and shoot at him. But that was only a small issue, which I found didn't effect the game play greatly if at all.
In closing, with solid gameplay and tight controls and a well thought up plot, the game was amazing. A revolutionary game in the survival horror genre and hopefully not the last one of its kind we'll ever see.