awsome game. worth every penny.
The game play is a massive step up from past RE games. the story is well thought out and has a good paseing to it. you never get bord nore do you realy feel like your being rushed. While i tend to have the mind set of wanting all my games to be open ended like GTA3,Hulk ect the fact that RE4 puts you on a narrow path of what to do and when to do it, i never realy noticed.
Re4 has also made progress with the save/replay system.Also there is thankfully FAR less back traking and silly block pushing puzzles.I wish the ZELDA and metriod devlopers would take notice .
good varity of guns.and there upgrade function add's alot of depth to the game.
defacuilty i would put at medium. if your new to gameing or a poor gamer as far as skills go you may have a tough time. the key to this game the first time threw is planning ahead. always keeping some shoot gun shells in reserve for when you get rushed by multi badies ect. but exp gamers should have no real trouble.
In short its a great game that dispite its streght forward level disighn has very supriseing replay. worth every penny.
i give the game a 9.8.