Resident Evil 5 (Complete Edition) PS4 Review
Allow me to begin my relaying my thoughts about the game in talks by saying that I am a HUGE Resident Evil fan! I have been very active ever since the first Resident Evil: Director's Cut released on the PS1, and bought and played every RE game to release on Playstation consoles since, even RE Dead Aim & Revelations 1 & 2. The peak of my excitement and amazement for the series was at it's highest in the days when Capcom was topping each new chapter in the RE saga bigger and better, such as RE2, RE3 & RE Code Veronica X. Those were the classics in my mind. RE4 marked a HUGE shift in not only gameplay but a lot of fans (including mine) interests. It was the first mainline Resident Evil game that I was utterly disappointed after finishing. While RE4 is NOT my least favorite in the series today, it truly signified a change in development, gameplay mechanics, the mood & feel of the game & even the genre itself. Some may consider all RE games released today survival horror but they would be incorrect if they were to label RE4 or even RE5 survival horror. While RE4 was a sign of things to come for the series, the 5th Resident Evil became a huge success. Loved by critics and fans alike, RE5 was a surprising hit despite it leaning on the action & QTE-styled gameplay that RE4 inspired. Well, I will now explain what I think Capcom did for RE5 that was not present in RE4.
Resident Evil 5 made a lot of things work for the series for the first time that many believed would never be possible in a RE title. While the previous RE focused on solely Leon Kennedy in his hunt for the presidents daughter in Europe, RE5 swaps it up, returning fan fave Chris Redfield back to the fray. But it isn't the change of protagonists that sat well with fans (cuz I mean, come on, who doesn't love Leon). For the first time in a mainline RE, RE5 was co-op (optional) and for 95% of the game, you will control either Chris or his partner, Sheva Alomar while the AI or online friend controls the other. No one ever believed a Resident Evil game would ever work with a companion accompanying you throughout the entire game. It completely went against the early classics that pitted you in a battle to survive the horror. However, to my surprise, this feature worked great and even as dated as RE5 is, the co-op online functions never got in the way of gameplay and progressed smoothly. Sure, RE5 won't frighten your skin off or provide any cheap jump scares, but this proves that the series can still shine even if the direction alternates. The game also has many other positive qualities, such as a reward system that demands replaying the story mode and many nice design choices in the layout of the menu on the title screen. The game offers detailed summaries of the past events in RE history and character back story. Nothing feels out of place or untrue to the story either, each part fitting perfectly in complementing what facts I DO know. There is even a file titled "The History of Resident Evil" that details EVERY virus, BOW, or activity that Umbrella is a part of. It is rich and interesting and offers both newcomers and existing fans something to chew on, further enriching the already vast world that Resident Evil takes place in. This 5th RE is not really long and will only require 10 hours for one play thru, however, as I mentioned earlier, there is alot of value and time replaying for the best rewards and completion.
The campaign takes place in Africa, which is a RE first. Following the events of RE4 but not directly being related, we're told Chris has joined a new military anti-terrorist organization known as BSAA, he has followed a tip to Africa in pursuit of a known black market weapons smuggler, who is reported to also be in the market dealing biological weapons as well. Chris is first introduced to his new partner and also member of BSAA, Sheva Alomar who is also serving as a guide for Chris time in this foreign country. They hit it off and both reveal why it is they joined the BSAA, and both characters reasons greatly resemble, but ultimately to rid the world of biological weapons and bring justice to the culprits behind the scenes with shady organizations such as Umbrella. With a united goal for the duo to advance towards, they begin their investigation. Well, without going into every little detail, Chris is once again introduced to a man who he has many times believed to be dead. His former boss, Albert Wesker, a psychopath who has been in the shadows of almost every tragedy or catastrophe that has taken place in the past. He was the mastermind of all the events that took place in Raccoon City and Chris even fought him at Rockfort Island, (RECode Veronica), and he believed Wesker was dead. Well, with new support & funding in his corner, Wesker is about to unveil his latest weapon. The story is very predictable but predictable it may be, it is still a HUGE improvement over RE4's stale and lackluster plot line. There are a few other faces that will leave a lasting impression but since I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, I will cease discussing them.
Along with the main game, the PS4 package edition or digital edition now comes free with all the DLC originally released later in with the Gold Edition of the PS3 version, these side activities offer slight distraction and little else. Die hard RE heads will appreciate the return of Jill Valentine as a playable force, as she is featured in one of the side games. The game still looks and sounds very good, which is impressive while considering the fact that this game is now 11 years old. There is lot to appreciate about RE5 and I think fans old and new, realized this and went on to make this game the hit it was. Sadly, Capcom didn't get the message apparently, because despite the fans being pleased and positive reviews for RE5, RE6 was a MASSIVE failure and considered to be the worst game in the series by many. However, since we are here talking about RE5, just know that being a over the top Resident Evil diehard is NOT a requirement to like or appreciate the game. Many action fans will come solely for the action, but even then, the RE fans will also get JUST enough of that Resident Evil vibe to make it until they can get their hands on whatever Capcom decides to progress with next. The series has been all over the place, sure, but RE5 is an example of a time when the series was at a high and respectful point. Great game that you will get value from!! I recommend it to all!!