The sequel to one of the best games of the 2005 year has finally come. Does it improve on a popular franchise? Hell Yea!
They are very well put together. You can see the sweat and perspiration coming off the characters, because it's hot in Africa. All the background and the environment are very well put together and there is a lot of detail. There aren't places being repeated or signs it is all new. The only thing flawed about the graphics really is the fact that you can tell where to go spotted by a bright looking place.
The Story
I find this story much better than Resident Evil 5. You play as one of the new bad asses of the year coming from the older previous Resident Evils, Chris Redfield. He joins the BSAA and get deployed off in Kijuju, along side your co-op partner Sheva Alomar. Chris and Sheva go off to stop Irving from selling off biohazard weapons to terrorist and later on find out that there is a much bigger plan and who ever is behind it is outrageously sick. The whole point of going on when Chris has the option to leave was to find his old partner Jill Valentine. The story is believe it or not very deep and rich going to previous games for stories. What you expect from Resident Evil.
The gameplay
If you're familiar with the game play from Resident Evil 4, then this should be familiar territory. It controls the same way as Resident Evil 4 did except you have a co-op partner to boss around. They pretty much do what you tell them to do, and are actually believe it or not very helpful. They may waste ammo or anything to heal you with, but wasting ammo was bound to happen. I found my self with a co-op partner wasting a lot of ammo and running out a lot having to conserve. With the addition with the co-op play, you find your self with the ability to stick with what ever gun preference you like. When I got the chance to play through the story, I mainly used the handguns, the machine guns and the Sniper Rifle, while my bro used the Handgun, machine gun, grenade launcher and shotgun. So ammo was usually split fairly between us. The handgun is a beast of a weapon as well. Unlike the previous game where the handgun was weak and I hardly found it useful, this time around it can actually be very helpful into stringing combos with your partner. I like the handgun. One of the definite changes to the game that does make it like how Capcom promised to do to make the game like Gears of War and well like any other game, is the inventory. You may not have Leon's retarded giant suitcase where he can fit nearly everything with ease and have to squeeze stuff around, but you get nine slots to work with, you and your partner. Guns can and should be quick sloted to your D-pad for easy access and ammo should take the other slots. It is quite nifty since the inventory is also real time. It is a heck of a lot easier than stopping the intense game play to switch between weapons.
The final word
This game is a complete joy to play. I definitely enjoyed playing the game. It lost its fear factor for some parts but it also feels like your playing a movie, which it should be, cause it be sickkkk. This game is definitely a lot better than Resident Evil 4. A must get. The co-op makes this game near perfect if not perfect because it's fun playing a not horror survival game with a buddy. This game has a lot of replayability with the online modes some weird 2 vs 2 thing. My favorite is what Resident Evil 4 had and returns even better than ever and co-op again Mercenary modes with a lot to unlock!