Truly the best game for the PS3...

User Rating: 9.5 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
Resident Evil 5 is based in a small town in Africa. Your main characters, Chris and Sheva, are on a mission to stop a deal going on at town square... but they didn't expect to be set up...

Storyline 10: The storyline is great and full of quick-paced action. You start off as Chris and meet up with your new partner Sheva. You are on a mission to stop a terrorist deal going on at the town square. But as you go to get your weapons from the Black Market specialist, things turn for the worst. The natives start going crazy with the parasites spreading throughout Africa. Pretty soon you are at an army base fighting off huge gatling-gun bosses and enemies with stun rods. Great storyline that will have people raving for years to come!

Gameplay 9.5: The gameplay was almost perfect. You earn guns as you progress through the game and get ranked on every level you play depending on your accuracy, speed, amount of deaths, and enemies routed. There is 4 difficulties, amateur, normal, veteran, and professional. I found amateur and normal very easy but veteran and professional proved slightly more difficult.

Sound Quality 10: All the voices of the Africans and the sound of the guns are so realistic it feels as if you're actually there. I was very impressed by the sound effects and quality...

Graphics 10: The way the light reflects off of objects is the most realistic I have seen in a long time. The very precise details on the faces of the characters is also very impressive. I'm surprised by the graphics on this game. It has certainly improved at least 400% since Resident Evil 4.

I know that all of you gamers out there that have played any Resident Evil game would love this game very much. I was way more surprised than I thought I would be. Great graphics and sound effects. Two thumbs up! (and if I had more thumbs I'd raise them too!)