Game was released in 2009 and it looks and plays better than most of new games. Amazing gameplay, good story...
Gameplay mechanics is very unique. You either shoot or run. You can just take a gun and run your way through level. It's hard to get used to it but when you do it's really a lot of fun. What is also new is that IA; as for zombies is not that dumb... I mean it is but they are coming from different directions.
Other thing is really nice graphics. I'm amazed how good this game looks. Now when we look at games from 2009 there is not much of amusement but here... Man... Particle effects, detailed environment, really nice cutscenes, moody locations. All makes that you feel like you playing brand new production.
Story... Well I'm not a big fan of RE series. So this is actually my first part. But for me story is quite good. Great (really, really good) music and voice acting keep it real. I enjoy it a lot.
Like I said at the beginning, this is MUST PLAY title.