A testing and solid action DLC in the Resident Evil 5 world.

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape PS3
Desperate Escape is not a game of puzzles or much horror, it is a game of trying to plough your way through the unremitting wave of enemies. Such a game relies on it's combat system holding up and in this case, the system passes the test with ease. The game gives more then enough ammo and weapons, perhaps could be a little more generous with herbs early on but when the crunch comes, it does give enough.

The game can be frustrating, the amount of enemies makes it a challenge and the gap between checkpoints can lead to redoing an area several times. Each area has the same challenge but in another way so it keeps fresh as you work your way through.

The game fills a story-gap from Resident Evil 5, giving three side characters their time in the spotlight. They don't get much time, which some might consider a blessing, but the story does manage to throw in a few tense and dramatic moments.

Despite the odd frustration, the game is fun most of the time, a good short challenge.