Kind of but all most and just read it to see what im talking about

User Rating: 8.5 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
Hmmmm... Lets take a look of what resident evil has become from past to present. Lets start with the background. Ahhh good ol' Racoon City filled with Zombies and old dead S.T.A.R.S. officers. Then in outbreak all of a sudden your in a zoo and a subway and Forest with a crazy axe man And... anyway in RE5 your Chris Redfield (Sound Familiar) on an Africa mission to stop terrorist. Dont remember that in Resident Evil. You meet up with Sheva, A local BSAA member. Chris has quit S.T.R.A.S. and went to BSAA thats how they met. Theres your background. With Amazing graphics and gorey head shots i give a 10 on Graphics. Story: Well same ol' Wesker in a calmer mood still wants to kill Chris Redfield. Pretty short story and constant going back to previous areas just to get money or ammo i give a 6. Multiplayer. Ahhh. Good ol' fashioned multiplayer with Resident Evil... Wait What!!! Multiplayer on Resident evil. Yes multiplayer with online and splitscreen. Online you have a couple modes to choose from so its not the same stuff over and over. On split screen or should i say smallscreen. You ave so much Black on your tv on Split Screen. So I reccomend not playing on a small tv. I give it a 9.All together i give it an 8.5

Graphics 10

Story 6

Multiplayer 9

Overall 8.5