Playstation MOVE controls Review for RE5 Gold Edition.
I want to mention first that you do not need the navigation controller to play this. You can use the left half of your dualshock just fine. Although the nav controller is lighter and a bit more comfortable, it's but no big deal. There are 2 control schemes for the move setup. Pointer 1, which sucks and doesn't make sense. And Pointer 2 which is the only and best option left. In this scheme the left hand uses the analog stick to move and turn (no strafing). Hold L1 to run, tap L1 while tilting analog back to do quick 180 turn. L2 is slightly pointless because it puts your character into knife mode, but you can simply swipe your move controller at anytime without using the button to do knife attacks. It's only helpful when you want to more precisely aim your knife attacks at something.
The Move controller is used almost only for shooting. Pull the T (trigger) button and you will draw your gun. Aim with a green reticule and push the move button to shoot. The M looking symbol button on the front. Sounds a little silly because you would want to pull the trigger when firing your gun wouldn't you? But unfortunately that's just how it is. You can't reassign the buttons or anything either. Triangle brings up your inventory. Circle is to call partner. Square brings up your map. X is to reload while T is held. You can also reload by shaking the move controller while T is held. And as I said before you can swipe your controller at anytime to knife attack.
The other drawback with the move is not being able to freely look around. In order to look you have to stop hold T to aim. Then use the left analog (which you also use to walk when not aiming), to look around. It sounds worse then it is, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes like second nature. The learning curve for using move in gold edition (especially after playing it 1000 times with the dualshock) is high. It's like learning to play a brand new game. And that can be a good thing.
The Aiming is really the highlight of using move. Just as long as you have a steady hand you can nail headshot after headshot with ease. Those challengeing enemies where you had to hit a very specific spot to hurt it, are crazy easy now. There are also the quick time events where you'll have to shake the controller or swipe in a certain direction. Not much different then using sixaxis. But I will say the move controller is a lot more responsive than sixaxis during those quick time events.
My biggest complaint about the move is when you use sniper rifles and on rail sections. When you equip a rifle it goes into scope mode. But you can't use the move controller to aim. You are forced to use the left analog for aiming. But still use the Move button to fire. Same goes for the Humvee rail section and giant boss fight. It's too bad they couldn't find a way around this. I would have loved to do some sniping with the move controller.
Once you get over the oddness of the button configuration. And learn how to compensate for not being able to strafe. Overall it works quite well. Your accuracy will sky rocket!! Adding move to RE5 gives you a new challenge to get used to. But once you do it actually makes the game feel a lot easier. So if you recently got Move than I suggest you try the gold edition. Just be prepared for a little frustration at first.