Is it a Stellar game or just another shooter???This much Hype is it worth it???FIND OUT NOW [A Detailed Review]
For the first time in series (Main Versions) the RE game is made by a new producer\Director "Jun Tekuchi"
See whether it's a stellar creation or just another game which destroys the name of RE series
The Last installment in the series took us to Spain but this game loosely ties to that. It's the story of Wesker & Chris in Hype and awaited since original RE 5. The game will keep the RE Veterans wanting for more with Chris, Jill and Wesker's story. The new ones will pick up the story quite easily as the game helps a lot in understanding it but still having a little knowledge of T-Veronica Virus or Las Plagas Parasites is good. The game wrap ups a lot of loose ends from the series and creates some more although the plot has some holes but it Will still keep you entertained . The game's major twist is so obvious that a 6 years old can easily see through it.
Graphics of the game are quite stunning and it is one of the best looking game of this generation and you will easily notice dust in air, Light reflecting from every object, the graphics are so clear even standing next to them. The facial animation is some times not right but it is almost right most of the times. The monsters are so brilliant that you want to stop and look at them
The background score especially in fights really fit the mood and you can never say that it's bad. The voice acting is the best in series until now especially the Wesker, Chris & Excella but for others it is OK but for few it is terrible.
The game's main life is Co-Op. In Offline it's a good game but has it's issues. A player can jump in anytime either online or offline. The two players have their own inventory each has 9 slots. You have access to both of the inventories and you will have to maintain both of them because AI lacks the ability to maintain their Inventory slots but while playing in co-op the tension removes away but then the tension will be to carefully divide the weapons with other player which makes up the stress. The weapons are upgraded in shop with gold coins which can be obtained by destroying crates or killing enemies, The shop can be accessed after each chapter or after continue,
The Gameplay is simply linear and gives no choices at all your objective will be clearly mentioned on map. The Botton tapping sequences make a return in RE 5 and this time they are easy at start and tougher near end.
A lot of people think that RE should be gunning while running kind of stuff. I completely disagree with that because standing still while shooting builds the intensity and tension [and that's the only thing left of survival in RE Franchise]. The Enemies AI this time is quite good because they are not zombies and will dodge, attack, run and act as intelligent humans. When a horde of enemies are near you or you are fighting mini bosses your main strategy will be to run away, turn around and shoot again and again because only a few of enemies can match Chris or Sheva's speed, It might seem as boring but is extremely great because it builds up the tension. The button tapping sequences are back and later in the game they can become quite hard. Later in the game you will face locations where you will have to press a button and the player will go in cover behind that object, this is pretty good and provides a lot of fun but this makes me think why the cover system wasn't implemented in the whole game.
The game can be played in two different ways Alone and in Co-Op.
As I said before this game is meant to be played in Co-op with other players because you both will have to fight right, cover other, the timing of melee attacks should be perfect and the button pressing should be perfect, Ones mistake can cause the other and that's the true feeling of RE 5.
While offline Sheva is frustrating because she will spread all of the ammo and if you are even in caution state she will use a healing item, she can't arrange his Inventory so most of your time will be spent managing both inventories, You can give her two commands but that will not help at all although she is a good example of AI because she is good at shooting and she Will always protect you in need but Human Intelligence is Humans Intelligence it can't be compared to AI.
The boss fights are stunning but there is only one simple strategy to shoot and the puzzle solving boss fights are no more, Most of your time will be spent shooting the infected. The game-play is easy to pic up and master. Now days you will See mounted guns and turrets in almost every second action game so they are not wholly groundbreaking stuff but the important thing is timing yes the whole game arranges things so perfectly that you can't leave the game once you start it until you end it because there are no moments in the game which will stop you from playing it and you will always want to know that what lies around next corner.
The action sequences, choreography and camera angles are so perfectly chosen that you will want to see more and more. The graphics and music are stellar. The Puzzles are quite easy and insulting as compared to previous installments the creepy horror feeling has almost gone.
No doubt this game has a lot in it although it seems that a game without competitive game-play won't have much. Beating the game in various ways unlocks modes and features.
Playing the game online and offline is completely different experience and playing campaign with different Friends provide different kind of fun. The Mercenaries mode is addictive and u can't leave it . Different characters provide different playing experience.
RE 5 is a great game and a must own for 2009 and action fans will love it. If you didn't liked the demo it is possible that you don't like the game because it is a lot like the demo. The game has it's moments and it is a great shooter but IT'S NOT RESIDENT EVIL. Because the scaring, puzzle solving element of the game is replaced with action. Which will gasp a lot of new players but disappoint many of the old ones. I advise you play the game on Highest Difficulty because on normal it ain't any challenge at all and is way too easy.
I have ended all of the RE games (0,1,2,3,CV,DA,Outbreak File#1,2,4,UC) and some portables too. I am such a big fan of the series that I have ended most of the games in highest difficulty possible. I have played RE games more than 300 Hrs, Using net about them like posting, uploading, downloading e.t.c and spent almost 100 Hrs in that too. Now you know what I am talking about.
It has lost so much in this game the scares, the feeling of being alone, great puzzle solving, boss fights [boss figths in this game are fantastic but plain shooting], the complex and great story. In an effort to make new fans they have disappointed old ones this is the beginning you will See more people saying the same all over web soon enough. The Story telling is disappointing and the ending is the worst in the series. The new creator "Jun Tekuchi" has failed to met the whereabouts of previous creator "Shinji Mikami". This game will have huge sales figures because as a new IP [which barely relates to resident evil and picks a little of resident evil] it is great and it will please new ones.
I really wanted to love this game but I didn't, I hope the future is better. It could have been so much more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,