Honestly... This is the Best Game I've Played to this Date!
Gameplay: It's all that you expect from the revolutionary Resident Evil 4 gameplay. Although it's not much different, there is the addition of a cover system for certain parts. The controls are tight, responsive, and very well made. And of course, the co-op system. The co-op is fun and doesn't take away the intensity of being chased my numerous Majini and a chainsaw majini at the same time! The gameplay is Triple-A, and I love it!
Graphics: These are some of the best graphics to date. Everything is clear and there's no texture pop-up.
Sound: The sound effects are great, wether it be the sound of a bullet busting a Majini's head off, or the sound of screams in the background as people are beaten to death. The sound is awesome.
Story: The game starts off in a cinematic showing a, well it's hard to say without ruining it, but a woman infecting a man with the virus you will come to know as Uroborus. Then it shows Chris Redfield meeting up with Sheva Alomar in the town of Kijuju. I'm not saying anymore, but it's a great addition to the Resident Evil franchise.
This is the best game i've played in years, this is a perfect 10!