RE5 is definitely one of my favorite games of all time! What I fear the most in this game is paring up online. o_o
Though the gameplay, graphics, and story is quite amazing, I only have one problem, online. You tend to get killed a lot when you shoot one guy in the head and wait 2 seconds for the shot to register to punch the living daylights out of everyone around you, including your partner. (Which I find funny. ^_^) And the AI is amazing, though some people say the partner sucks, I find her quite useful, in some cases.
When you can't find any enemies and they're around, she whips out the handgun and busts a cap in their ass giving you their location. Now there are some times where I just want to rip her clothes off, send her into the middle of the battlefield, and let the villagers have their way with her while I snipe the bastards, because that seems to be her only usefulness if it was allowed. AI tends to be a little, "Dee Dee Dee", when having a shotgun when going against the dogs. She just stands around aiming slowly while they mane my ass. I won't go any deeper into the game, to avoid spoilers, but besides A.K.A-Ashely with a gun, this game is pretty awesome. Makes me wonder how they are going to take on Neo. (Wesker is Neo for crying out loud!!!)