What stands out the most is the CO-OP ability of the game when playing with a friend.
-It's Resident Evil!
-Great Graphics
-Upgrading weapons for Infinite ammo is great.
-Two inventories to swap items between Chris and Sheva is great.
-Ability to go back to chapters and repeat them for easter eggs and gain more money for great replay value.
-Amazing CO-OP with human player makes the game more exciting.
-Variety of weapons kinda reminds me of GTA, major plus.
-Sheva can get annoying sometimes and uses too much ammo. She constantly gets in the way.
-Not enough bag space early in the game. On the upside, once the weapon upgrades are maxed out you won't have to worry about ammo.
-Boss fights are not challenging. It really doesn't take long to figure out what to do but they are very easily killed.
-2nd person view takes away from the original style of RE. Trying to make the game like Halo is asking for too much. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
-You can pass items on the ground to Sheva in rogue mode but cannot do it while in CO-OP with another player.
-Bad music, doesn't seem like a horror game.
-Bad concept, doesn't feel like a RE game. What happened to crows jumping out at you and scaring the crap out of you?
-Bad storyline.
Overall Review -
I didn't get the chance to play RE4, to me it felt weird since I was used to the original. The game reminds me of MGS and GTA but those two games are well designed compared to RE5. I really enjoy the game in CO-OP but single play is a bit boring and Sheva is that smart as she constantly uses up ammo and runs in to me for most of the time.
If your a Resident Evil fan, you'll like this game a lot. The story is a bit bad but we all knew it would be since it could never be like the original. This happens with every game.
Should I buy it or rent it? You should buy it, it'll last you a long time. It has a great replay value and three modes to play along with Easter Eggs and costumes. If you wish to save your money, you'll end up renting it for a long time. Great replay value!